When reading through a textbook or watching a documentary, it can be hard to remember that history isn't just a bunch of notes; it was a bunch of people. Yes geopolitics happened on a large scale, and this side defeated that side in the battle of who gives a lard in 1486, but driving all of that action were real people.
Fortunately, the photograph allows us to see those real people for who they were in more modern history, and these pics of celebs in their younger years along with historical figures are a nice compilation of important people from the past hundred years or so.
From Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise, (yes they're part of history), to a man sliding down the banister at Saddam Hussein's palace, enjoy some cool snaps from history, and the cool people within them.
A German officer and an NCO wearing portable sound locating apparatuses to detect enemy aircraft; a type of early radar. Western Front, 1917.
Pattie Boyd and George Harrison on their honeymoon in Barbados, 1966.
Oklahoma farmers comparing yields of fertilized vs unfertilized corn, 1932.
Gwen Stefanie and Tony Kanal in high school, 1986.
Jane Goodall with her favorite chimpanzee, David Greybeard, 1974.
Jack Nicholson, Carrie Fisher and Rick James sometime in the 80’s.
78-year-old Robert T. Lincoln, son of Abraham Lincoln, is helped up the steps at the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., 1922.
A grocery store clerk in Tallahassee, Florida, 1962.
Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt, 1994.
An American soldier at Saddam Hussein's palace in 2003.
“My dad during desert storm in 1990.”
Man delivering sago flour on a boat. Papua, Indonesia, 1950-1955.
Christopher Reeves working out and putting on muscle to play Superman, 1977.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Shalom Harlow at a dinner party thrown by Gianni Versace, 1995.
Marlon Brando, playing with a stray cat who wondered on set moments before making history as the friendly feline sat comfortably in the godfather's arms (1972).
Last Polish veterans of the January Uprising, 1863, taking a photo inside the Castle of Kraków, Poland, 1939.
Rhodesian woman stands next to a sedan, she has a teeshirt saying: "I’m staying, how about you," Rhodesia, 1979.
A self-portrait photo taken by American paratrooper James Speed Hensinger while serving in Vietnam, 1970.
Tommy Lee Jones, aged 33 (1979).